Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is transforming the way individuals, developers, and enterprises access information, design, develop, implement and manage applications, as well as optimize costs and infrastructure. The benefits of cloud computing are widely recognized, and enterprises are rapidly adopting it to experience the transformation. By optimizing cloud technologies, businesses can increase platform efficiencies, operational flexibility, and scalability, with the potential to take their operations to the next level. For instance, Cloud Accelerators work alongside traditional Content Delivery Networks (CDN) to deliver content to users as quickly as possible. Cloud technology enables standardization of technology, simplification of software licenses, and automated Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), right from infrastructure to coding and management, providing opportunities for open-source adoption. These features lower the overall ownership cost and work on an operational expense (Opex)-based pricing model, which is flexible and leads to cost-effective IT investments that impact the top and bottom lines of businesses, making them agile and efficient.
CloudifyingIT's cloud consulting and implementation offerings help enterprises take their next leap towards finding innovative ways to strategize and optimize their business services/operations, access information, develop applications, and find new market expansion opportunities.